First Unitarian Congregational Society. Wilton Center, New Hampshire - About Us
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All are welcome to attend Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m., September through June.

The theological views of our congregation range from atheism to theological Christianity, with many intermediary positions; however, there is solid agreement that the important and practical upshop of any theology is ethical behaviour and spiritual growth. Supporting this value in our diversity, we all agree that the Sunday Sermon is the most significant and meaningful event in our parish life. Therefore, the sermons are spiritual, ethical, and intellectual in content with thoughtful messages that can lead to personal growth.

Coffee hour following the service is a warm social time for children and adults.

Our Ministers and Guest Speakers
Our ministers and guest speakers come from throughout the region speak to a range of theological views from humanism to liberal Christianity. We honor our Minister Emeritus, the Reverend Charles O. Richardson, who served us well for many years.

Religious Education
The Sunday School meets at "The Red House" across the street from the church, with classes for elementary children and childcare for infants and toddlers.

The children begin their morning with the adult congregation in the church at 10:30 a.m. The opening portion of the service includes a “Story for All Ages” as well as a hymn and the unison affirmation.

The children then go to "The Red House" where they share in a group opening ceremony that includes the lighting of a candle, an offering, a song, The Lord’s Prayer, a time for discussion, and a closing prayer. The session for the remainder of the hour typically includes Unitarian Universalist lessons, stories, discussions, crafts and/or writing.

Other Religious Education events through the year include a food drive, bake sales, the annual Christmas Pageant and a Children’s Sunday in June.

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